Hello…..I invite you to explore my website
Judy Rosen ~ Certified Sound Therapist and Visual Artist
By creating an environment of soulful sound, you will be led to a profound state of deep relaxation; encouraged to let go of whatever is in the way of you feeling nurtured, calm, comforted, and open-hearted. The lingering sounds and vibrations of the Himalayan Singing Bowls evoke a state of complete surrender and the melodies that flow from the other instruments merge with the bowls to draw you into your interior – the world behind your eyes. At the end of your travels you will find yourself uniquely restored with a renewed sense of peace and inner harmony.
Art also soothes the soul. The act of creating art is a meditation for me. I get lost in choosing the colors and watching the paints swirl and interact and evolve into something beautiful and often magical. Viewing and wearing the style of art that I make is an invitation to have fun, be inventive, create a mood ~ perhaps get swept away. Please go to the pages under Visual Art to learn about my art and see examples of my unique jewelry, tiles, and small paintings.
Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.
~ Buddha ~