What happens in a Musical Journeying session?
Click the play button below to experience a long moment with a zen tambour
Before the session begins, you are invited to become as comfortable as possible. Thick mats, bolsters, pillows, blankets, and eye pillows are provided to ensure your complete comfort. As we begin, verbal guidance, offered against the backdrop of the Himalayan Singing Bowls aids you in letting go of distractions and leads you into your physical body. As you become more attuned to your senses, you will find and begin to let go of tension, recover your deep full-bodied breathing, and return to your natural rhythm. As the session continues, sacred musical instruments and soulful vocal melodies interweave. The sounds and vibrations create an environment that induces you to move into a deeply relaxed physical and mental state. This release of tension invites an awareness of being entirely present – a getting underneath the busy mind that causes us to move without complete consciousness throughout our day. Once “in body” we become aware of all our primary senses, our physical sensations, our sense of self-awareness, and the flowing nature of moving from one breath to the next. We draw into our interior and become still and comforted. Through this ease of being “present in the moment” we become receptive to an expanded consciousness; a lifting off of the mental clutter that distracts us from experiencing our inner essence, our wise mind, and our place of calm. The “journey” is a very individual one – that might include images, visions, impressions, colors, or a quality of presence that is deep and personally evocative. Sometimes, we have the experience of moving through inner portals – doorways to authentic self – as we become intrinsically attuned. From this deeply relaxed place, we are able to access a restored sense of emotional balance, openness to discovery, the possibility of healing, and deep peace.
Keep the mind still. Then you will see your True Self in the still water of the peaceful mind. -Sri Swami Satchidananda